The Giant Clam is a specialist essence for the stomach and for harmonising the intake of food and drink. It is a harmoniser of many stomach problems, especially those connected with bad diet, and can restore health and wholesomeness to the mind in its approach to food. Quite simply Giant Clam restores the natural feeding process, dissolving unnatural attachments in the mind to unhealthy food and drink and restoring a wholesome and balanced appetite.
It is an antidote to greed in eating and drinking, and it heals unwholesome mental attachments to food and drink.
Giant Clam is a great tool towards more Love based feeding and helps to bring about the shift in consciousness necessary before a dietary change can be successful.
The Giant Clam is a giant shellfish, which can weigh over 100kg and it looks like a giant mouth, the opening between the two halves of the shell look rather like interlocking teeth in the giant mouth. It typifies a pure diet as it feeds only on plankton and algae, the algae producing much of the clam's food intake directly from photosynthesis, showing the connection with a plant based diet. By aligning the physical body – stomach and brain, with the Astral there is a harmonising and co-ordinating effect on the stomach from the entire Being through the Astral. By further aligning this with the mind, the thinking is also harmonised for the physical body in the stomach area.
An important essence at this time.